If this forum was being properly moderated according to the "report" a post feature, you'ld be up near #1 violator on the moderator's "most wanted list".
If this forum was being properly moderated according to the "report" a post feature, you'ld be up near #1 violator on the moderator's "most wanted list".
You'd be number one, because almost every thread you start is clearly spam.
Not only that, I've seen you post the exact same copy pasted post no less than 200 times the last few weeks. How is that not spam? It's literally the definition of spam.
As usual you provide merely opinions - which i've often shown are plainly wrong - lots of insults (ad hominen) & nothing to support your bald naked opinions. Which suggests a serial argument loser.
Have you not been paying attention to the threads Willie started about not responding to trolls? The forum is like the Wild West. Sometimes people cross the line a little too far and you have to email a mod (the "report" function does not work). But by far, the easiest thing to do is just ignore them. You, and another couple of posters are doing everything you can to give them a lifeline. If you could use some self control and stop responding to them, your problem will be solved.
P.S. Right now, you are feeding yet another one.
I’ve been asking the same question about all of the fucking right wing extremist propaganda y’all love to post. You don’t seem to have an issue there.
The Covid shit is temporary. The right wing whacko propaganda has been going on for much longer. Stop acting like a little bitch.